RJ Answers a Bunch of Questions

Hey everybody! I recently did a Q&A over on Steam and on my Patreon and they asked me a bunch of good questions. I  sat down and typed up answers for all the ones that I felt like I could  and weren't repetitious. There's a lot to read here, so I tried as best  as I could to organize it.


Is Adrian transgender or a crossdresser?

Adrian  is a transgender woman. She was born male, and has transitioned to  female. She has not had surgery, but is on hormone therapy. She’s not a  crossdresser, she is a woman.

Why did Adrian keep her male name?

She  didn’t. Adrian was not the name she was born with. It’s the name she  chose after she transitioned. I understand that Adrian can be a male  name, but here it’s not.

Is the main character a genius?

He’s definitely smart, though he can be a bit of a dope sometimes. Genius? Not sure about that.

How do I win the fight with Reba’s brother, Mickey?

You have to train MMA with Tammy before the fight scene with Mickey.

Did you get "Mouth Feel" from Bob's Burgers? :D

Nope!  I’ve only watched a little of Bob’s Burgers and don’t remember that. I  also don’t remember using it in my game, but I definitely could have!  lol

How did Whitney end up in a wheelchair?

As a child she had a tumor removed from her spine and the surgery paralyzed her.

Why can’t I get Reba to fix dad’s car?

Dad’s  car might not even be broken. The issue is that the MC does not have  the key to it and nobody knows where the key is. Reba can’t even attempt  to start it without the key.


Will there be any new characters?

I  don’t currently have any plans for new main characters. Twenty  characters, each getting more content every update is a lot for me to  do. If I add more characters, it would increase the time between updates  as well. There will likely be more small side characters that pop in  occasionally, or more content with side characters.

Will the main story continue?

Absolutely.  The main story will continue and conclude in Update 20. As we get  closer to the end of the game, the main story will begin to have more  content.

Will there be a translation into other languages?

Yes,  I will do translations into many other languages, when the game is  finished. It does not make sense for me to do a translation at this  point, when the game is still being worked on and changed every few  months.

Will there be a "family patch"?

No.  There is no incest in this game. You can choose what you’d like to call  them in the game, but Suzy and Lisa are not related to the main  character in any way and the story would not make sense if they were.

Will there be story arcs for old-aged characters?

There will be some content for older side characters in the future, but no new characters with full story arcs.

Do you have more plans for LIs to cross paths?

Absolutely. There’s going to be more crossover towards the end of the game, for sure. 

Will you allow love interests that have been rejected by the player to pair off? 

There are currently no plans for this in the game. I just don’t have a good place to include it in the story.

Is pregnant content planned?

It  depends on what you mean by pregnant content. If you mean having sex  with big-bellied pregnant women, then no there is no pregnant content  planned. If you mean will it be possible to get the women pregnant, or  will we ever see any of the women pregnant, then yes there are some  plans for that. Keep in mind that even though you can spend as  many number of days as you’d like playing the game, the story is  intended to take place during a single semester of college. That’s like 5  months or so. So even if you got a woman pregnant on the very first day  you came back from Brazil in the game, she’s only going to be about 5  months pregnant at the end of the game. So it doesn’t make sense to have  big-bellied pregnant women during the story.

Will we have to make a decision about who we want to be with, or will it be a harem game?

I  don’t want to talk too much about the ending of the game, but there  will be a harem ending. If you don’t want to have to make a decision,  don’t worry. I got you covered.

Will different hair styles be added to the sex scenes?

I  don’t currently plan to do this. Re-rendering sex scenes for each hair  style is a lot of work and I feel that time is better spent elsewhere.

How long will the full game be?

Update  20 will be the end of the game. It’s entirely possible that I add more  optional content after I finish the game though. I have no idea how big  the final version of the game is going to be. Pretty massive, I’d think.

Will we ever see Adrian with long hair?


Any plans for a walkthrough?

No. I put a lot of work into the hint system in the game. I feel that is sufficient.

Any plans to release an OST?

I  can’t. Most of the music in the game is copyright free. I can use it in  the game, but I can’t sell it as a soundtrack, because I don’t own the  music.

Will we be able to introduce Jamie to Dana?

They’ll likely meet at some point. I like having my characters meet.

Are you going to add bondage with Suzy?


Will there be additional lesbian/threesome scenes?


Will  a side character (Rose, girl in Whiterock coffee shop, jogging girl,  any of the people from Ms. Welch’s party, Connie the waitress, Izzy’s  aunt, Claire) have a role later in the story?

Some of the side  characters are just there for their small parts, but others will have  some optional content later in the game. And some might make an  appearance in future games.

Will  we get to see more interactions between characters? It would be great  if we could choose to introduce one character to the other and let them  interact.

Absolutely. As we move towards the end of the game,  characters will interact more often. Choosing to introduce one character  to another will be possible for some of the characters, but doing each  character combination would be like 200 scenes, which is a little beyond  my scope. I have certain characters that I plan to interact with each  other though. We’ve already seen some of that, and there will be more in  the future, for sure.

Will there ever be an option in the game somewhere to be monogamous with a specific character?

Yes, there will be a choice towards the end of the game.

What do you have planned for future DLC?

I’ll  have more information about this in January, but I plan on releasing a  premium edition of the game that contains a lot of extra optional  content, and discontinuing the release of smaller DLC packages.

Is there any chance of group fun with Suzy, Tammy , Lisa, Kendra , Reba, and Mari ?

There  will never be any sex scenes with Suzy and Lisa together, due to rules  by Patreon. The others are all a possibility though.

More male love interests?

There  are currently no plans to add any more love interests of any gender.  There will be some optional sex with male side characters at some point,  but Bai will be the only male love interest to get a full story.

Can we get a gallery that can be accessed from the main menu?

Because  of the way I have the gallery in the game, where you play through the  entire scene, not just see the images, I don’t have an easy way to add  that to the main menu. I don’t have plans to add a gallery there.

When will the main story continue?

It will move forward a bit in the next update, and probably every update after that as we ramp up closer to the ending.

Any more scenes for my favorite character?

Every character will get more content every update.

Will Suzy find out about Lisa’s relationship with the MC?

Maybe!  It’d definitely be difficult to keep having sex with both of them  without them finding out about each other at some point.

Will you eventually have to choose a single partner?

No, you won’t have to choose.

Will Gertrude’s relationship develop to something more than just “sessions”?

There will be more before the end of the game, but Gertrude’s story is not as expansive as some of the other characters.

When will we find the keys to Dad’s car?

Can’t answer this one! I know a lot of people are wondering it though. I didn’t forget about it, I promise!

Will there be consequences for being with multiple people at the same time anytime soon?

No,  not really. That’s something that I didn’t want in this game.  Eventually, some of the characters will want to be more exclusive, but  since the game takes place in a short period of time, they’re okay with  it for now. There won’t be any consequences in the game for being with  multiple people. I just think It’s more fun that way and I don’t care to  write a lot of relationship drama and bickering.

Will Adrian ever get bottom surgery?

At the moment, she hasn’t decided if she wants it. She won’t be getting the surgery during the game, no.


Would you be open to creating more gay characters in future games?

Absolutely. There will likely be LGBTQ characters in every game I make. I’m all about inclusion.

Do you have ideas for what you want to do in the future for a new game?

Absolutely.  I have the next game planned out almost entirely already. And the one  after that I have a pretty heavy outline for as well. Then I have ideas  for multiple other games, to come.

I have an idea for a game – can I give it to you?

I’d  rather you didn’t! I’d rather you go make your own game. As I said in  the last question, I have a TON of ideas. I come up with ideas for games  all the time. The issue is having the time to work on all of them. I  want to finish one game before moving on to the next one, so a lot of  the ideas I have, I won’t be able to work on until years later, and I’m  really looking forward to them. I’m never going to be as passionate about your idea as you are.

Can we get some hints about your future games?

I’ll give a couple of small ones. The  next game is going to be shorter than Come Home and more focused on the  story, more cinematic, and less sandboxy. It’s going to be quite a bit  different than Come Home. The goal is to finish that one in under a  year. I’m expecting to start this one in 2025 The game after that  will be my next big one – around the same size as Come Home – and will  be a sandbox, but also have some RPG elements in it. It’ll be more of a  game than just a visual novel. I’m expecting to start this one in 2026. Still a long way to go on Come Home.


Do  you have the entire story arc outlined, or are you making it up as you  go? Or is the main father arc planned but everyone else's made up? Or  some combination thereof?

I do. I have had every character’s story  and the main story entirely planned out since the beginning. I’ve  changed a few things from the original plan, but the ending has always  been planned and I know exactly where every storyline is going.

From  a creative standpoint, what takes you the longest to work on? Story?  Renders? Programming? Finding time because of life happening?

Renders  take the longest for me, by far. I split my time up into “workdays”,  which is the amount of work I expect to finish in a day of work. Using  the current update (14) I’m working on as an example, the update is  expected to take about 81 workdays. Posing and setting up renders is 66  of those.

What are the pros and cons for having 20 love interests and will future games have a similar amount?

The  pros – diversity. There’s something in Come Home for everybody. I think  almost anybody will find at least one character that they love. The  cons – I can’t go as deep into a character’s storyline as I would  necessarily like to do. There’s just not enough time. It spreads the  story pretty thin, and makes the game a little more shallow than some  people would like. I understand that too. Come Home is a little more  about quantity than quality. But the reason I chose to make 20 love  interests is so that I could experiment with many different things. I  didn’t know how the game would be received or if I’d ever make another  game, and there was so much that I wanted to do that narrowing it down  just wasn’t possible. My future games will probably not have as many love interests, no.  The next two games I have planned have much fewer.

How did you arrive at the 'theming' for each datable person?

When  I first started brainstorming the game, I pretty much picked out  stereotypes – The book nerd, the gamer girl, the food blogger, the gang  leader, the skater girl. I think I came up with like 25 or so. Then I  started expanding on them and seeing if I could come up with a story for  each of them that I liked. Then I cut the ones that I didn’t feel like I  could expand on enough, or just didn’t have room for.

Do  you ever include LI elements that "do nothing" for you personally? Or  do you work from a perspective of "what would *I* like to see in a game  like this?"

My tastes are pretty varied. I can’t think of anything that I’ve included in the game that I don’t personally think is hot.

Has any parts of the story surprised you in how it looks now compared to your initial vision?

It  has, for sure. Some of the stories have been changed from the initial  vision. Ms. Welch’s is almost completely different, Mari’s is  significantly different. And some of the other stories have gone in  slightly different directions as well. I think what has  surprised me the most is things I’ve worked through personally with my  writing. There are some things that I noticed I write about very  frequently in the story, and they’re things that I’ve had to deal with  in my personal life, and was subconsciously including in the game. I  didn’t really pick up on the THEME of this story until just a few  updates back. I don’t really want to go into what I believe the theme of  the story is just yet, but you guys may be able to pick up on it. I’d  be curious what you all think it is.

How did you get the idea for the game?

I  started out writing romance novels – planning on writing them quickly  and publishing one a month for a year and seeing how they did. It was  sort of an experiment. Then I played Summertime Saga and I was like, hey  I can make these romance novels into a game instead. I have no idea  where the idea came from for the missing dad and the hula hoop portal.  That’s all just my silly brain.

How often do you update?

Whenever  I finish the content planned for that update. Lately it’s been taking  me around three months per update. Some updates are bigger than others  though.

Why did you choose Brazil as the location where the MC goes to school?

South  America was the first thing that came to mind when I was writing the  story – I just wanted him to be in a different country, basically.  Originally, I had just written “South America” when he says where he  went, but people said that sounded weird (and I agree), so I narrowed it  down to Brazil. I understand that it’s not very believable, but I  wasn’t really going for realism with the main story about alternate  universes and hula hoop portals powered by diamonds and meth.

Do you accept donations in the form of proposing to pay for voice actresses?

I  definitely accept donations and support, but I’ll ultimately decide  what that money goes towards. Hiring voice actresses will be part of  that though.

What is the plan as far as voices in the game going forward?

I’ll  be adding in voices for various characters when I’m able to. I made a  bit of a mistake adding Kendra’s when I did. I should have written out  the rest of Kendra’s story, so that I could have the actress record  lines for the updates that haven’t been released yet. Fortunately,  Haruluna, who does the voice of Kendra, is easy to work with and I can  just hire her again later to do lines in the remaining updates. But  for the rest of the characters, I want to write out all of their scenes  and figure out which dialogue I want voiced before hiring the voice  actress. Which means I have to write ahead a bit. I have the outline for  remaining updates finished, but I don’t have dialogue written yet. I  want to do that before moving ahead further with voices. But  eventually, I want to have all the characters voiced. Not completely  voiced, but like I have with Kendra. Some particular bits of dialogue,  sex noises, and greetings and such.

How complete is the game?

Update  14 is releasing soon. There are planned to be 20 updates total. So, the  game is about two-thirds of the way complete. I expect to be finished  with it sometime towards the end of 2024.


Will RJ have content in the game?

No, RJ will only be shown in tutorials and will never be a romanceable character in the game.

What got you started on game development?

I’ve  always played video games and been interested in development. I wanted  to be a writer, but it’s really hard to make a living publishing novels.  I saw some success of other adult visual novels, and thought I could do  that and maybe I would be able to make a living doing it, so I learned  everything I needed to make the game and switched gears to game  development.

Where do you draw inspiration for creating the looks of a character?

I  knew from the beginning that I wanted a diverse cast. I love diversity.  I love inclusion. After that, it’s really just personal taste. My  tastes are very wide in scope. I think everybody is beautiful in a way.

What  do you think are the biggest differences, when a male protagonist is  written by a woman or vice versa and is that easy for you or  challenging?

I almost think it would be better if the audience told  me this than the other way around. I do my best to write from a male  perspective, but I assume that I don’t always get everything right.  Since I’m basing the male viewpoint off what I know from other stories  and other people and not necessarily personal experience, I know that  I’m not going to get everything right. But I like writing from different  viewpoints that are not necessarily my own. Most of the characters in  my game are fairly different than me, but they’re all fun to write.

Do you worry about being criticized for objectification?

Not  really? I feel like I do a good job of making my characters feel like  real people, not objects. I generally don’t worry too much about being  criticized about anything anyways.

Who is your personal favorite character?

Tough  one, but probably Kendra. Her story is really personal for me and I  love writing her. Personality-wise, she’s probably the closest to me.

To which character do you identify the most?

There  are definitely pieces of myself in all of the characters, but Kendra is  the one I identify with the most, for sure. Her personality and  attitude are the closest to my own.

Why did you decide to make a porn game?

Money,  mostly. It’s hard to make money from visual novels. People support porn  games pretty well on Patreon though. I also like porn and played a few  of them and was like “I can do this!”

What do you do for a living?

I  make Come Home! This is my full-time job and I’m supported financially  by my patrons and by people buying the DLC on Steam. I’m doing pretty  okay right now! Not making a TON of money, but more than I made at my  last full-time job, and I’m much happier doing it.

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Texas. I live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

Can we see more about your everyday life?

I  keep a daily developers diary on my Discord server. I also write a  weekly personal journal called RJ Ramblings, where I talk about what I’m  doing besides working on the game. You can find that on my Patreon.

Are you single?

Nope! I’ve been with my partner for about 9 years now.


That's  it! I hope that you enjoyed the Q&A and it gave you a little more  information about me, my development process, the game, and future  content. Thank you all so much your input and for supporting the game! I really appreciate all of you.

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